Consultancy Study of Climate Change

The Environmental Protection Department commissioned a consultancy study in 2008 to review and update the
local inventories of greenhouse gas emissions and removals; assess the impacts of climate change on Hong Kong; and recommend long-term strategies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as to adapt to the unavoidable
effects of climate change. The Consultants have carried out a series of topical studies and taken into account views of major stakeholders expressed at technical workshops. The consultancy study was concluded in early December 2010.

The consultation document presents the proposals drawn up from the consultancy study on climate change in Hong Kong.

Executive Summary PDF

Final Report PDF

Technical Appendices

- Appendix A: Greenhouse Gas Inventories PDF

- Appendix B: Mitigation Assessment PDF

- Appendix C: Vulnerability & Adaptation Assessment PDF

Further Documents related to the Public Consultation

Submission to the Legislative Council's Panel on Environment Affairs - "Public Consultation on Hong Kong's Climate Change Strategy and Action Agenda (and Annex)"

Submission to the Legislative Council's Panel on Environment Affairs – "Proposal to Increase the Share of Nuclear Power in the Fuel Mix"


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