Government Events
Others Events

Current and Future Events

Environment and Conservation Fund Low-Carbon Love Ocean - 社區減碳回收日 (Chinese version only)

To raise awareness of the citizen on “coastal protection” and “low-carbon living” and educate the public on carbon neutrality knowledge and carbon reduction through talks, workshops, coastal clean-up activities, guided tours, film shows, exhibitions, fests, recycling activities and carnivals.

Date & Time: Date: 27.7.2024 (Sat) Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Venue: Rita Liu Tin Ching Multi-Services Centre
Organisation: Hong Kong Women Development Association Limited
Into the Extreme: A Scientific Journey of Xuelong 2

The Xuelong 2 is China’s first domestically built polar icebreaker and scientific research vessel. It is dedicated to conducting scientific expeditions to study climate change. It undertakes important tasks and has carried out several scientific expeditions to the North and South Poles.


In this exhibition, scientist Natalie will take you aboard the Xuelong 2 as it embarks on an Antarctic expedition. This will give you a deeper understanding of the research work and the challenges faced by the Xuelong 2, including harsh weather conditions, remote locations and difficulties in assuring supplies.

Date & Time: 9 Apr to 31 Aug 2024 09:30am — 05:00pm
Venue: SDG Gallery, Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Yasumoto International Academic Park 8/F
Organisation: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
綠樂無窮嘉年華活動 (只有中文)

嚟緊兩年我地將會係48個公共屋邨舉行一連串環保活動 ,包括綠樂嘉年華 、網上減廢講座 同網上嘉年華 。同大家一齊玩遊戲,一齊學習節能減廢小貼士 (只有中文)

Date & Time: March 2023 – October 2024
Venue: Public housing estates in Hong Kong Island and Islands District, Kowloon East, Kowloon West and Sai Kung District
Organisation: World Green Organisation
Promotion Programme on Source Separation of Waste

To provide free waste separation bins for residential, commercial and industrial buildings, with the aim of improving the waste separation facilities and expanding the range of recyclables to be recovered in these buildings. The programme assists property management companies in implementing effective waste sorting and recycling models, thereby increasing the recycling rates in these buildings. Participating buildings will be required to schedule regular waste collection for recycling purposes, either through contracted cleaning companies or recyclers.

Waste separation bins are also provided to participating schools to enhance students’ understanding of the importance of resource conservation and waste separation, and encourage the practice of separating waste paper, metals and plastics for recycling.

Date & Time: Open for applications all year round
Venue: N/A
Organisation: Environmental Campaign Committee

Past Events

Environment and Conservation Fund Low-Carbon Love Ocean - 減碳生活小組 (Chinese version only)

To raise awareness of the citizen on “coastal protection” and “low-carbon living” and educate the public on carbon neutrality knowledge and carbon reduction through talks, workshops, coastal clean-up activities, guided tours, film shows, exhibitions, fests, recycling activities and carnivals.

Date & Time: Date: 23.7.2024 (Tue) Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 nn
Venue: Rita Liu Tin Ching Multi-Services Centre
Organisation: Hong Kong Women Development Association Limited
Public Seminar on Energy Efficiency & Conservation 2024

Session 2

Ir Rocky LAU, Committee Member, Energy Institute (Hong Kong Branch)

Innovation Celebration: iPaint AI and Related Best Practices in Energy Conservation

Ms Melody WONG, Senior Consultant – Climate & Sustainability, Arup

Renewable Energy Application – What's Next to Hong Kong?

Energy Efficiency Office, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

Energy Labelling Schemes

Feed-in Tariff (FiT) and Solar Radiation Map

Date & Time: Session 2: 22 July 2024 (Monday), 9:30 am - 12:00 noon
Venue: Session 2: Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library (66 Causeway Road, Causeway Bay)
Organisation: Energy Efficiency Office, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
Environment and Conservation Fund Smart Food Waste Recycling Promotion Program - 智能廚餘回收推廣嘉年華 (Chinese version only)

To educate the participants in using the smart food waste recycling bins actively and correctly and reducing food waste at the source to achieve carbon neutrality through promoting food waste. recycling.

Date & Time: Date: 21.7.2024 (Sun) Time: 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Venue: Sau Mau Ping South Estate
Organisation: Green Come True (Hong Kong) Limited
環境及自然保育基金資助 「低碳媽媽」訓練計劃 – 節能減碳巡迴工作坊 (Chinese version only)

To provide training and knowledge of carbon neutrality for women, and train them to become part-time workshop tutors to educate the participants to share the message of energy saving and decarbonisation.

Date & Time: Date: 21.7.2024 (Sat) Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Venue: Club House, Pacific Palisades
Organisation: WTS Bright Orchid Women's Association Limited
Environment and Conservation Fund Low-Carbon Love Ocean - 碳中和講座 (Chinese version only)

To raise awareness of the citizen on “coastal protection” and “low-carbon living” and educate the public on carbon neutrality knowledge and carbon reduction through talks, workshops, coastal clean-up activities, guided tours, film shows, exhibitions, fests, recycling activities and carnivals.

Date & Time: Date: 18.7.2024 (Thu) Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 nn
Venue: Rita Liu Tin Ching Multi-Services Centre
Organisation: Hong Kong Women Development Association Limited