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ENSEC Solutions Hong Kong Limited
  • Reduce paper consumption; Use double-sided printing; Provide boxes to collect and reuse one-sided paper
  • Reduce using envelopes by encouraging customers to receive E-receipt
  • Reuse of materials such as envelopes, dispatch cases
  • Arrange recycling of newspapers, magazines, waste papers, toner cartridges and other project materials
  • In the office, our staffs use their own cups instead of using disposable paper cups
  • Use water dispenser to instead of using PET bottles of water in the office
  • Switching off air-conditioning, lighting and equipment in non-office hours or areas not in operation
  • Use energy-efficient appliances and lighting equipment
  • In 2013, successfully obtained the certification of ISO14001:2004 environmental management system
Environmental Association Limited

Office -
1. Set up solar power generation to support daily use at the centres
2. Imply “4R” principle of “Reduce, Reuse, Recover and Recycle” at all times
3. Set up the recycling bins to collect recyclable garbage
4. Use LED light bulbs in office to save energy
5. Reduce copying, printing and encourage staff to keep soft copy instead of print copy
6. Print on recycled paper or use double-sided printing
7. Encourage staff to use e-mail rather than facsimile/ paper memo
8. Encourage staff to re-use envelopes
9. Maintain the office temperature at an appropriate level
10. Use energy-efficient appliances
11. Keep good maintenance of appliances to maximum efficiency and minimize waste
12. Label reminders in office to encourage our staffs to turn off all the light and electronic appliances before leaving

Out-reach Event –
1. Encourage our contractors to use recycle materials for the installation and decorations
2. Reuse the decoration materials during events
3. Substitution of one-off disposables for both staff and guests with ceramic cups, plates and bowls
4. Use paper packaging instead of plastic bags and encourage guests to bring their own bags
5. Group together the travels to minimize the transport frequencies

Promotion of environmental awareness -
1. Promote building butterfly garden to help improve the quality of the air and cool down built environments by enabling reverberation and evapotranspiration.
2. Provide education to public such as seminar, talk, workshop to promote environmental protection

ESG Hong Kong Limited
  • Plant green plants in the office.
  • Post energy-saving tips in prominent places, regularly hold activities or workshops to raise employees' environmental awareness, set up environmentally friendly recycling bins to encourage resource recycling.
  • Set computers to default double-sided printing, recycle single-sided printed paper for reuse, set computer screens to automatically sleep after 20 minutes, and use electronic forms as the main method of internal communication.
  • Manage office lighting in zones, replace with LED light tubes, turn off most of the lighting during lunchtime.
  • Provide reusable tableware and encourage colleagues to bring their own utensils during company meals.
  • Install thermometers to monitor and maintain an average indoor temperature of 24-26 degrees Celsius.
  • Turn off unnecessary lights, air conditioners, and equipment to reduce power consumption.
  • Purchase reusable holiday decorations for reuse.
  • Regularly clean air conditioners to reduce power consumption caused by dirt.
Excellent Honour Corporate Services Limited
  • Use LED lights/bulbs.
  • Turn off lights when the room is not in use.
  • Turn off the power of electronic devices when not in use.
  • Install separate light switches in different lighting areas.
  • Turn off the air conditioning when the room is not in use.
  • Set the minimum temperature of the air conditioning system to 25.5 degrees Celsius.
  • Evaluate material usage to avoid excessive inventory.
  • Consolidate multiple servers into a single higher-capacity server to reduce energy consumption and free up more office space.