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Harbour City Estates Limited

Continuously monitoring the energy consumption of business operations and replacing aging equipment with more energy-efficient models to enhance energy efficiency:

  • Upgrade traditional lighting to LED lighting
  • Upgrade AHU from AC Fan to EC plug fan
  • Implement retro-commissioning in Chiller Plants

Improving resource recycling and working with our employees and tenants to reduce waste and promote recycling:

  • Partner with green organizations to arrange recycling programs for over nine categories, including paper, foam, waste plastics, food waste, inkjet cartridges, used computers, fluorescent tubes, glass, used batteries, etc.
  • Recycle food waste from shopping mall restaurants and office building tenants. Working with the Environmental Protection Department to hold seminars to reduce food waste sent to landfills and its carbon emissions.
  • Participate in programs such as the "Source Separation of Commercial and Industrial Waste and "Umbrella Bags Reduction Accreditation Program" certification

Dedicated to achieving low-carbon operations to combat climate change:

  • Installed solar photovoltaic panels since 2014, and participated in CLP's Feed-in Tariff Scheme from 2018 onwards, contributing to the development of renewable energy generation in Hong Kong
  • Recognized with the Renewable Energy Appreciation Token, and the Sustainable Vision Award of the CLP Smart Energy Award 2022
  • Promoting green procurement and taking environmental protection, health, and safety factors into account when purchasing new equipment

Building awareness of carbon reduction and promoting green living to different stakeholders:

  • Since 2018, the "Greening Our City" roving exhibition has been launched in shopping malls and environmental protection workshops were held
  • Support and participate in green events, including the "Earth Hour", Lai See Recycling and Reuse Campaign, Mooncake box recycling, computer recycling program, etc.
  • Cooperate with community partners to organize volunteer services every year, such as recycling leftover food

Obtained certification of ISO 14001 environmental management system to continuously improve our environmental performance.

Hon Kwok Land Investment Co Ltd

Hon Kwok Land Investment Co., Ltd. (the Group) adopts various environmental protection initiatives and formulating policies in the areas of energy consumption, greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions, waste generation, water consumption to manage the Group’s operational footprint.

Renovation project of the Group’s hotel/serviced apartment in Hong Kong have implemented various energy efficiency and waste management measures during construction stage to reduce environmental impact.

Aiming to promote green and sustainable building design with good air and water quality management, we certify our properties with sustainable building standard. Energy-saving appliances and appliances with energy efficiency labels are given priority in our procurement.

The Group adopts waste management practices to encourage waste generation reduction and ease the burden to the environment. Work with the environmental groups and participate in their recycling programs.

We adopt various water management practices and water-saving initiatives to remind employees and other users to avoid unnecessary water consumption.

We aim to reduce our GHG emission intensity, energy consumption intensity, water consumption intensity by 8% by 2030 against year 2022 (1% reduction annually).

Hong Kong Air Purifier Center Limited
  • Reuse and recycle including use recycled paper, recycle office supplies (such as cartons, envelopes, folders, stationery etc.).
  • Use e-fax to screen junk fax and no need to print out.
  • Internal and external communication via email, avoid paper waste.
  • E-commerce, reducing the provision of paper documents to customers
  • Turn off all electronic appliances after work.
  • Turn off areas that do not require air-conditioning, and turn air-conditioners off in unoccupied rooms.
  • Reduce the distribution of paper leaflets, product brochures, business cards, etc. and use electronic versions
  • Donation of sample and renew products to Charity.
Hong Kong Airport Services Ltd

Increasing our energy efficiency

  • Increase three GPS add-on functions including Driver Management System, Equipment ready-for-deployment & Fuel Level Management to improve efficiency.

Engaging our employees

  • Participate in Carbon Reduction Campaign organised by the Government and NGOs to promote low-carbon lifestyle to employees
  • Promote Green Guideline with practical tips for employees to implement “3R”, i.e. Reuse, Reduce & Recycle

Managing our resources

  • Continue effort in waste management – Award the Wastewi$e excellence label
  • Replace with all-in one printer (printer, copy, scanner & fax) in offices via network connections to reduce electricity consumption with energy-saving features and to reduce our environmental footprint

Controlling our air emissions

  • Offset the carbon emissions of business travel to support renewable energy projects
  • Implement ongoing GSE replacement programme and replace the high-aged GSE to energy efficient one (e.g. electric GSE/ Vehicles with the latest emission standards required by AAHK)
  • Implement the electrification of the airside saloon vehicles from fossil fuel to full electric
Hong Kong Association of Energy Engineers
  • Display Labels of the Recommended Temperature Setpoint (25.5℃) at Each Window Type A/C Unit / Split Type A/C Unit Thermostat Controller
  • Affix “Save Energy” stickers as a reminder at the exit.
  • Maximize use of natural light as far as practicable.
  • Switch off lighting when areas are not used / occupied.
  • Use paper on both sides, reuse envelopes and lose minute jackets and use the backside of letter pads with outdated letterhead for drafting.
  • Use electronic systems to substitute paper-based office administration systems.
  • Use energy-efficient MFDs to reduce stand-alone printers / copiers.
Hong Kong Baptist University

Energy Saving & Green Buildings

  • Perform energy saving and improvement projects
  • Maintain an energy-efficient operation
  • Develop on-site renewable energy
  • Pursue green building certifications for new development and major renovation projects

Green Transport

  • Install electric vehicle (EV) chargers at new carparks
  • Upgrade and increase the number of EV chargers at existing carparks
  • Replace all traditional gasoline-powered vehicles with Evs

Waste Reduction

  • Implement sustainable procurement and green catering
  • Implement reward-based incentive programmes
  • Increase recycling facilities and widen recyclables streams

HKBU Engagement

  • Organise staff and students engagement activities, events, educational programmes, and etc.
  • Install energy performance dashboards at public areas to raise awareness of responsible consumption
Hong Kong Facility Solutions Company Limited
  • Plant green plants in the office.
  • Post energy-saving tips in prominent places, regularly hold activities or workshops to raise employees' environmental awareness, set up environmentally friendly recycling bins to encourage resource recycling.
  • Set computers to default double-sided printing, recycle single-sided printed paper for reuse, set computer screens to automatically sleep after 20 minutes, and use electronic forms as the main method of internal communication.
  • Manage office lighting in zones, replace with LED light tubes, turn off most of the lighting during lunchtime.
  • Provide reusable tableware and encourage colleagues to bring their own utensils during company meals.
  • Install thermometers to monitor and maintain an average indoor temperature of 24-26 degrees Celsius.
  • Turn off unnecessary lights, air conditioners, and equipment to reduce power consumption.
  • Purchase reusable holiday decorations for reuse.
  • Regularly clean air conditioners to reduce power consumption caused by dirt.
Hongkong International Terminals Limited
  • Adopted the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.
  • Identify viable options to "reduce, reuse and recycle" in its operations and has therefore gone beyond the statutory requirements with the implementation of a number of green initiatives, and has set the benchmark for the industry.
  • HIT is the pioneer in implementing eRTGCs (electric Rubber Tyred Gantry Cranes) in Hong Kong. This crane-electrification programme reduces carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions and cuts substantial energy use at Kwai Tsing Container Port.
  • HIT also uses hybrid RTGCs which combine battery power with ultra-low sulphur diesel (ULSD) engines to maintain operational flexibility. These cranes “recycle” energy when the main hoist is lowered and emit less smoke.
  • Apply solar photovoltaic on-grid systems on buildings, power substations and on new quay cranes
  • Install energy-saving, waste-reduction and pollution-reduction equipment in its administration buildings.
  • Implemented Electronic Release Order (eRO) and Electronic Booking Confirmation Note (eBCN) to enable fully paperless workflows for inbound and outbound gate processes.
Hong Kong Trade Development Council

With sustainability and innovation driving business strategies worldwide, HKTDC will ride on our initial work to ramp up our promotion of sustainability. In addition to making sustainability a top priority on the programmes of all our anchor industry and thematic promotions, we will also raise awareness among the business community on the tangible components of sustainability, especially among SMEs. Through our SME support programme and knowledge hubs, we will help SMEs acquire the basic know-how for sustainable operations.

Our T-box programme will also work with technology companies to provide cost-effective solutions to SMEs for e-commerce, digital marketing and enterprise resource planning to help with their business transformation towards sustainable development.

Meanwhile, as an organisation, we have pledged to adopt green measures to promote more sustainable business practices. To this end, we have laid out a sustainability and carbon reduction plan which covers business and corporate-level initiatives.

Hong Yip Service Company Limited
  • To comply with environmental regulations and other relevant requirements, and endeavor to go beyond these if practicable
  • To promote staffs in environmental awareness continuously
  • To implement both-sides printing and adopt paper recycling
  • To adopt using energy saving lighting products (e.g. LED)
  • To maintain an average indoor temperature between 24-26°C during the summer months of June to September
  • To switch off electrical appliances and systems when not in use
  • To procure energy efficient electrical appliances
  • To shorten the operating hours of external lighting


  • Timers were installed for lighting control and BMS system has been implemented to monitor central air conditioning system.
  • Monthly maintenance to thse chiller plant to ensure the plant is fully utilized to avoid wasting energy.

Brill Plaza

  • Solar Panel- Using solar power panels to provide renewable energy on rooftop
  • Green wall- Increase the green area
  • Sensor water tab- Using sensor faucets in public toilets
  • Recycling bins have been installed at each floor

Grandeur Shopping Arcade

  • To recycle computer & rechargeable battery
  • To adopt using automatic sensor water taps at toilet

Tsuen Wan Plaza

  • Apply sun control windows films
  • Replace equipment with higher energy efficiency such as LED tubes with motion sensor, chiller units, etc.
  • Adjust operation hours of equipment and system setting of central air-conditioning system

Tsuen Kam Centre Shopping Arcade
Wonderland Villas (Shopping Arcade)
Aster Court (Shopping Arcade)

  • Set up recycling bins in the mall to separate waste for recycling

Park Central (Shopping Arcade)
18 Farm Road (Shopping Arcade)

  • Establish environmentally friendly recycling station
  • Adopt BMS
  • Adopt sensor water taps/water closets/urinals

Harbour North

  • Install flow controller in the water tap
  • Install harmonics filter to minimize the reactive power

Aster Court
Beauty Court

  • Shorten the operating time of the exhaust fan

Winfield Buidling Block C

  • Do not use plastic products
  • post any unwanted but reusable items (except Restricted Items) on the Second-hand Exchange platform for donation
  • Replace T8, T10, T12 fluorescent tubes with T5 fluorescent tube.

Tsuen Wan Plaza (Residential)

Hospital Authority – Castle Peak Hospital

On-going practice - house-keeping and energy saving measures

  • Close off areas that do not require air-conditioning, and turn air-conditioners off in unoccupied rooms, multi-function rooms, lecture theatres and common areas in the hospital
  • Set the office and common areas temperature at 25.5± 2℃ in summer and fix thermometers at various office locations
  • Use energy-saving light bulbs
  • Keep light fixtures and lamps clean to maximize their efficiency
  • Ensure that computers are switched off before the end of a working day, especially before long public holidays
  • Make good use of the energy-saving features and options which come with the Operating System of the computers
  • Switch-off all electrical appliances or, where appropriate, switch them to energy-saving mode when not in use
  • Encourage the use of staircase instead of taking the lifts for inter-floor traffic
  • Use energy efficient electronic equipment as far as possible
  • Place posters and other publicity materials in prominent places to encourage energy saving
  • Close lifts during non-office or off peak hours as appropriate

Implemented energy saving projects

  • De-lamping and T5 lighting retrofit works for various blocks
  • Use of electric vehicle for outreach service
  • Introduction of cook-chilled patient food system
  • Implementation of electronic filing system
  • Replaced by LED signs of emergency exit
  • CPH/SLH has joined the Cluster Green Committee which is chaired by a Service Director and represented by managers of various departments/units. The committee will study and recommend further GHG reduction measures to the cluster management
  • Optimizing chillers efficiency by monitoring the temperature of chiller water
  • Participation in waste papers, aluminium cans, used clothes, rechargeable batteries, glass bottle, empty toner & ink Cartridge, moon cake tin recycling programme
  • Participation in EPD Pilot Scheme on Collection and Recycling Services of Plastic Recyclable Materials
  • Implementation of the project “Green Hospital Goes Greener” to arouse staff’s general awareness towards environmental conservation
  • Replacement of the wall lamps and flood lights by LED lights
  • Motion sensors have been added for new renovated wards
  • Electronic Tree Management System

Way Forward - Planned energy saving initiatives

  • To install occupancy sensors in some low usage areas
  • Continue to participate in Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE), Energy Saving Charter & 4T Charter Schemes, Wastewi$e and Energywi$e Scheme and other green schemes
  • To replace chillers, HVAC System and boilers with higher energy efficiency
Hospital Authority – North District Hospital

Green Hospital Committee

  • To promote green concept and resources savings in the hospital
  • To monitor and improve the resources utilization in the hospital
  • To audit each department on the resources utilization

Wastewi$e Scheme

  • NDH has joined the scheme on the cluster basis

Carbon Audit

  • Completed from 2007/08 to 2022/23

Recycling Programs

  • Waste papers including confidential waste papers
  • Aluminium cans
  • Plastic items including bottles from segregation bins and medicine plastic containers & plastic bags
  • Unwanted rechargeable batteries
  • Empty toner & ink cartridge
  • Mooncake tins / boxes
  • Red packets

Energy Saving

  • Partial lighting suspension at common areas (e.g. main entrance canopy and corridor) during non-peak hours
  • Lift services suspension during non-peak hours
  • Air-conditioning supply suspension during non-office hours
  • Promotion for staircase walking

Providing a Green Working Environment

  • Plenty of planter areas in the hospital

Waste Reduction

  • Implementation of e-Fax to reduce the use of paper and toner cartridges
  • Installation of electronic display panels to reduce printing hardcopies of distribution
  • Use of umbrella dryers as replacement of distribution of plastic umbrella bags

Education & Promotion

  • Regular circulation of green / energy saving tips to all staff
  • Encourage staff to reuse materials and use reusable containers
  • Organize “Green Bazaars” to collect unwanted items from staff for exchange among themselves or for donation to the needy through charitable organizations
Hospital Authority – Pok Oi Hospital

Green management

  • Set targets and implement internal energy saving and waste reduction initiatives

Energy saving measures

  • Use energy saving lighting systems
  • Install photo sensor and time schedule for lighting system control
  • Utilize Heat Pump System for space heating and cooling
  • Suspend the use of lifts during non-peak hours
  • Use central air-conditioning and maintain temperatures between 24-26°C
  • Install sensor for urinal flushing system in the toilets of office area
  • Switch off unnecessary lighting and equipment
  • Use electronic means for internal and external communications and documentations

Recycling programs

  • Paper
  • Plastics
  • Aluminum
  • Metals
  • Clothes / Textiles
  • Rechargeable batteries
  • Toners
  • Glass bottles

Staff education

  • Organize regular environmental protection theme activities
  • Promote green messages through emails
  • Encourage paper saving, reuse and double-sided printing
  • Switch off all energy consuming installation when leaving meeting rooms and offices
Hospital Authority – Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals
  • Installation of automatic water taps in clinical area and public toilets for water saving
  • Use of high efficiency chillers
  • Use of LED lights
  • Lift services suspension during non-peak hours
  • Maintain an average indoor temperature between 24-26°C
Hospital Authority - Siu Lam Hospital

On-going practice - house-keeping and energy saving measures

  • Close off areas that do not require air-conditioning, and turn air-conditioners off in unoccupied rooms, multi-function rooms, lecture theatres and common areas in the hospital
  • Set the office and common areas temperature at 25.5± 2 o C in summer and fix thermometers at various office locations
  • Use energy-saving light bulbs
  • Keep light fixtures and lamps clean to maximize their efficiency
  • Ensure that computers are switched off before the end of a working day, especially before long public holidays
  • Make good use of the energy-saving features and options which come with the Operating System of the computers
  • Switch-off all electrical appliances or, where appropriate, switch them to energy-saving mode when not in use
  • Encourage the use of staircase instead of taking the lifts for inter-floor traffic
  • Use energy efficient electronic equipment as far as possible
  • Place posters and other publicity materials in prominent places to encourage energy saving
  • Close lifts during non-office or off peak hours as appropriate

Implemented energy saving projects

  • De-lamping and T5 lighting retrofit works for various blocks
  • Use of electric vehicle for outreach service
  • Introduction of cook-chilled patient food system
  • Implementation of electronic filing system
  • Replaced by LED signs of emergency exit
  • CPH/SLH has joined the Cluster Green Committee which is chaired by a Service Director and represented by managers of various departments/units. The committee will study and recommend further GHG reduction measures to the cluster management
  • Optimizing chillers efficiency by monitoring the temperature of chiller water
  • Participation in waste papers, aluminium cans, used clothes, rechargeable batteries, glass bottle, empty toner & ink Cartridge, moon cake tin recycling programme
  • Participation in EPD Pilot Scheme on Collection and Recycling Services of Plastic Recyclable Materials
  • Implementation of the project “Green Hospital Goes Greener” to arouse staff’s general awareness towards environmental conservation
  • Replacement of the wall lamps and flood lights by LED lights
  • Motion sensors have been added for new renovated wards
  • Electronic Tree Management System

Way Forward - Planned energy saving initiatives

  • To install occupancy sensors in some low usage areas
  • Continue to participate in Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE), Energy Saving Charter & 4T Charter Schemes, Wastewi$e and Energywi$e Scheme and other green schemes
  • To replace chillers, HVAC System and boilers with higher energy efficiency
Hospital Authority – Tin Shui Wai Hospital

Green management

  • Set targets and implement internal energy savings and waste reduction initiatives

Energy saving measures

  • Use energy saving lighting systems
  • Install photo sensor and time schedule for lighting system control
  • Utilize of Heat Pump System for space heating and cooling
  • Suspend use of lifts during non-peak hours
  • Use central air-conditioning and maintain temperatures between 24-26°C
  • Install sensor for urinal flushing system in the office
  • Switch off unnecessary lighting and equipment
  • Use electronic means for internal and external communications and documentations

Recycling programs

  • Paper
  • Plastic
  • Aluminum
  • Metal
  • Clothes / Textiles
  • Rechargeable batteries
  • Toners
  • Glass bottles

Staff education

  • Organize regular environmental theme activities
  • Promote green messages through emails
  • Encourage paper saving, reuse and double-sided printing
  • Switch off all energy when leaving meeting rooms and offices
Hospital Authority - Tuen Mun Hospital

Recycling Programmes

  • Waste papers including confidential waste papers
  • Cans
  • Plastic
  • Rechargeable batteries
  • Empty toner & ink cartridge
  • Mooncake boxes
  • Red packets
  • Glass bottles
  • Clothes
  • Fluorescent lamps / tubes
  • Computer
  • Electrical Appliances
  • Waste electrical and electronic equipment and accessories
  • Toner / Ink cartridges
  • Cooking Oil

On-going practice - house-keeping and energy saving measures

  • Turn off areas that do not require air-conditioning, and turn air-conditioners off in unoccupied rooms, multi-function rooms in the hospital
  • Use energy-saving light bulbs
  • Keep light fixtures and lamps clean to maximize their efficiency
  • Encourage computers to be switched off, where feasible, before the end of a working day.
  • Switch-off all electrical appliances or, where appropriate, switch them to energy-saving mode when not in use
  • Use energy efficient electronic equipment as far as possible
  • Place posters and other publicity materials in prominent places to encourage energy saving

Employee education measures:

  • Regularly organising environmental protection-themed activities, such as holiday recycling events.
  • Regularly promoting environmental information through electronic media, such as promotional videos and publications.
  • Posting notices to encourage employees to save paper, such as by printing double-sided.
Hotel COZi • Harbour View
  • Keep the hotel all guest room temperature at 24℃ ~ 26℃.
  • Turn off all lighting when the plant room area vacant and some area lighting from 00:00 to 06:00 such as guest floor and carpark.
  • No use the “ILB” and replace compact fluorescent lamp or LED light instead of “ILB”.
  • Use the timer control the exterior signage ON/OFF operating time and establish summer mode and winter mode.
  • Establish of the setting chiller plant temperature in summer mode and winter mode.
  • Establish of the setting boiler temperature in summer mode and winter mode.
  • When the Key Card Switch is released from the Key Switch Panel after time delay, Circuits (controlled by Contactor) will be switched off automatically and Fan Coil Unit will be switched to low fan speed mode automatically with chilled water solenoid valve off unless the Key Card Switch is inserted again. (All Guest Room)
Hotel COZi • Oasis
  • Keep the hotel all guest room temperature at 24℃ ~ 26℃.
  • Turn off all lighting when the plant room area vacant and some area lighting from 00:00 to 06:00 such as guest floor and carpark.
  • No use the “ILB” and replace compact fluorescent lamp or LED light instead of “ILB”.
  • Use the timer control the exterior signage ON/OFF operating time and establish summer mode and winter mode.
  • Establish of the setting chiller plant temperature in summer mode and winter mode.
  • Establish of the setting boiler temperature in summer mode and winter mode.
  • When the Key Card Switch is released from the Key Switch Panel after time delay, Circuits (controlled by Contactor) will be switched off automatically and Fan Coil Unit will be switched to low fan speed mode automatically with chilled water solenoid valve off unless the Key Card Switch is inserted again. (All Guest Room)
Hotel COZi • Resort
  • Increase the temperature of the chiller water of the air conditioner by two degrees, thereby reducing electricity usage.
  • Keep the temperature of all hotel guest rooms at 24-26 degrees.
  • Turn off all electrical facilities before leaving the office.
  • Our hotel realizes that the waste heat generated by the air-conditioning system may cause harm to the environment. For environmental protection, the waste heat can be through the heat exchanger, so that the heat energy can be used in the hot water system to preheat the cold water through the heat exchanger, and it can result in gas and electricity saving.
  • All ILB have been converted to use LED lights
Hotel COZi • Wetland
  • Increase the temperature of the chiller water of the air conditioner by two degrees, thereby reducing electricity usage.
  • Keep the temperature of all hotel guest rooms at 24-26 degrees.
  • Turn off all electrical facilities before leaving the office.
  • Our hotel realizes that the waste heat generated by the air-conditioning system may cause harm to the environment. For environmental protection, the waste heat can be through the heat exchanger, so that the heat energy can be used in the hot water system to preheat the cold water through the heat exchanger, and it can result in gas and electricity saving.
  • All ILB have been converted to use LED lights
Hotel Ease Access • Lai Chi Kok
  • Maintain back of the house and guest rooms’ temperature between 24 and 26°C
  • Stop using incandescent light bulbs and using LED light instead
  • Set lighting timer to turn off the light automatically during non-office or non-peak hours
  • Suspension of lift services during non-office or non-peak hours
  • Encourage guests reuse of bed linen and bath towels
  • Use soap dispensers to replace disposable packaging products in guest rooms
  • Set up recycle point to collect reusable materials such as paper, aluminum cans and plastic bottles
  • Carry out paperless strategy by using electronic devices to present hotel information or services to guests, such as e-Questionnaire
  • Using promotional signage to encourage guests and staff for energy conservation
Hotel Ease Access • Tsuen Wan
  • Maintain back of the house and guest rooms’ temperature between 24 and 26°C
  • Stop using incandescent light bulbs and using LED light instead
  • Set lighting timer to turn off the light automatically during non-office or non-peak hours
  • Suspension of lift services during non-office or non-peak hours
  • Encourage guests reuse of bed linen and bath towels
  • Use soap dispensers to replace disposable packaging products in guest rooms
  • Set up recycle point to collect reusable materials such as paper, aluminum cans and plastic bottles
  • Carry out paperless strategy by using electronic devices to present hotel information or services to guests, such as e-Questionnaire
  • Using promotional signage to encourage guests and staff for energy conservation
Hotel Ease • Mong Kok
  • Maintain back of the house and guest rooms’ temperature between 24 and 26°C
  • Stop using incandescent light bulbs and using LED light instead
  • Set lighting timer to turn off the light automatically during non-office or non-peak hours
  • Suspension of lift services during non-office or non-peak hours
  • Encourage guests reuse of bed linen and bath towels
  • Use soap dispensers to replace disposable packaging products in guest rooms
  • Set up recycle point to collect reusable materials such as paper, aluminum cans and plastic bottles
  • Carry out paperless strategy by using electronic devices to present hotel information or services to guests, such as e-Questionnaire
  • Using promotional signage to encourage guests and staff for energy conservation
Hotel Ease • Tsuen Wan
  • Maintain back of the house and guest rooms’ temperature between 24 and 26°C
  • Stop using incandescent light bulbs and using LED light instead
  • Set lighting timer to turn off the light automatically during non-office or non-peak hours
  • Suspension of lift services during non-office or non-peak hours
  • Encourage guests reuse of bed linen and bath towels
  • Use soap dispensers to replace disposable packaging products in guest rooms
  • Set up recycle point to collect reusable materials such as paper, aluminum cans and plastic bottles
  • Carry out paperless strategy by using electronic devices to present hotel information or services to guests, such as e-Questionnaire
  • Using promotional signage to encourage guests and staff for energy conservation
Hutchison Logistics Centre Management Limited

Reuse and recycling

  • Reuse items such as single-sided paper, paper clips, envelopes, folders, paper bag etc
  • Reduce the need to copy and print
  • Reuse holiday decorations such as Christmas Tree

Reduce paper usage

  • Copy and print on both sides of the paper
  • Use of electronic means for communications internally and with external parties

Reduce electricity consumption

  • In the areas that are not used, turn off the light, air conditioning and standby appliance like computers
  • Avoid over lighting intensity by reducing number of fluorescent tube used in common corridors
  • Set summer and winter mode of chilled water supply temperature to reduce energy consumption
  • Clean the filters and condenser tubes of fan coil units for tenants quarterly to maintain optimum efficiency
  • Review and adjust the chillers settings regularly to achieve optimum efficiency

Improve energy efficiency

  • Registered HK Energy Efficiency Registration Scheme for Buildings launched by the Electrical & Mechanical Services Department (EMSD)
  • Energy Audit/ Carbon Audit
  • Replace all magnetic type ballast to electronic type in common area
  • Replace T8 fluorescent tubes with T5 lamps in driveway and staircases
  • Replace T8 fluorescent tubes with LED light panel in common corridor of office floors

Promote environmentally friendly behaviour among staff

  • Switching off air-conditioning & lighting after using meeting rooms
  • Turning off idle office equipment before leaving the office
  • Encourage using reusable containers instead of disposable plastic food containers
  • Encourage using hand dryer to reduce tissue usage

Supports recycling of equipment

  • Set up recycling bins in refuse collection point of building to separate waste for recovery
  • Encourage tenants and staff to support recycle program by collection of used rechargeable battery, printer cartridges etc.
  • Reduced waste by disposing of office equipment in an environmentally friendly manner

Formulate waste reduction policy

  • Purchase Paper with FSC certificate
  • Purchase a refillable pen
  • Set up user printing access rights to avoid excessive printing.
  • Recycle the regulated electrical equipment to acceptable Recycler.
  • Participate environmental activities and charter organized by the Government.