To reduce carbon emission, the participated properties have conducted various measures, such as:
- Registered HK Energy Efficiency Registration Scheme for Buildings launched by the Electrical & Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) and obtained the minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) for the lighting installations
- Replace down light with energy saving lamps in the lift lobbies
- Set up automatic dimming control to control the switch of the buildings’ lighting provision
- Switch off air-conditioning, lightings and equipment in premises not in operation
- Switch off part of the lighting systems in common areas when there is enough sunlight
- Regular cleaning of filters and condenser tubes of the air-conditioning systems at tenancy and common areas to maintain optimum efficiency
- Regular cleaning of condenser tubes of water-cooled chillers to maintain optimum efficiency
- Review and adjust the water-cooled chillers settings regularly to achieve optimum efficiency
- Set up recycling bins in refuse collection point of building to separate waste for recovery
- Set summer and winter mode of chilled water supply temperature to reduce energy consumption
- Carry out building energy audits and retrofit for improved energy efficiency
- Improve indoor air quality for health and well-being of occupants
- Using water based or low VOC painting materials for maintenance of common areas and encourage tenants to use water-based paint to reduce TVOC emission
- Encourage tenants to replace energy saving lighting system
- Encourage tenants to turn off the air-conditioning equipment and lighting while room is not occupied
- Use e-mail for dispatch of notices to tenants to reduce paper used as far as possible
- Replaced all magnetic type ballast to electronic type in common area
- Encourage staff to print on both sides of paper and use condensed photocopying
- Re-use the office utilities, such as envelope, file clips and paper file bag
- Suspend service of selected lifts during non-peak hours
- Promote environmental friendly activities to tenants, such as recycle of rechargeable battery, source separation of commercial and industrial waste
- Support and engaged in different activities held by environmental protection organizations, such as "Earth Hour" by WWF and "Power Smart" by Friends of the Earth(HK)
- Use e-mail as the tool of communication and reduce the use of paper
- Join the Quality Water Recognition Scheme for Building by WSD
- Using water based or low VOC painting materials for maintenance of common areas and encourage tenants to use water-based paint to reduce VOC emission
Rambler Plaza
- Remain the indoor temperature to 26 degrees
- Set recycle collection boxes to collect recycle materials, such as paper, plastic bottle
- Use LED lights to save energy
- Switch off the lights and air-conditioning when not in use
- Switch off the computers before leaving the office
- Reuse office supplies such as paper clips, envelopes, folders,etc.
- Use rechargeable batteries
- Encourage internal employees to use both-side of the paper
- Encourage employees use email or soft copy instead of copying and printing
- Participate in the Environmental Protection Department source separation of waste
- Continuously improve indoor air quality for the health of employees
- Turn off air conditioning and lighting in vacant units.
- Promote environmentally friendly practices to tenants, such as recycling rechargeable batteries and implementing source separation for industrial waste.
Rambler Crest
- Implement energy savings & waste reduction initiatives in our offices with target settings through the internal environmental culture promotion program
- Set office temperature between 24 to 26 degree C in summer months
- Turn off idle office equipment before leaving the office
- Carry out energy audits for all offices and implement the identified energy management opportunities
- Switch off air conditioning & lighting after using meeting rooms switch off air conditioning & lighting after using meeting rooms
- Encourage staff to use / print paper on both sides
- Participate in EPD's Source Separation of Residential Building
- Set idling printer and computer in energy-saving mode
Aberdeen Centre Residential
- Promote environmental friendly activities to owners, such as recycle of rechargeable battery, source separation of domestic waste
- Set office temperature between 24 to 26 degree C in summer months
- Encourage staff to turn off the air-conditioning equipment and lighting while room is not occupied
- Re-use the office utilities, such as envelope, file clips and paper file bag
- Set idling printer and computer in energy-saving mode
- Use e-mail as the tool of communication and reduce the use of paper
- Encourage staff to use / print paper on both sides